Cat Uong
A human who believes in the potential of humans.
I am an entrepreneur, social justice advocate, systems thinker, and part-time philosopher.
My belief in unlocking human potential has led me to advocate for education reform, create immersive games for kids, invest in technology companies, dabble in creative works, and partner with both public and private entities.
Right now, I am exploring small ways I can support human development. The last decade has taught me that learning and growth extends beyond school walls, and life can teach us so much more. My aim is to help others grow fully into themselves and be proud of the humans they become.
“Personal leadership is not a singular experience.
It is, rather, the ongoing process of keeping your vision and values before you and aligning your life to be congruent with those most important things.”
-Stephen Covey
Words for Impact
Words for Fun
Twice Minorities: A Zine
March 2018: What kind of Vietnamese American are you?
A personal journey to explore and construct multi-cultural and ethnic identity, highlighting the research of those before me while interviewing California millennials. A focused effort to bring together the second generation immigrant stories from the Vietnam War and encourage multi-ethnic, multi-generational collaboration and solidarity in an age of political fragmentation and cynicism.
My Musings
Contact Me
Always love connecting with another great human, please reach out!
Copyright 2022 Catherine Uong Consulting LLC